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Internet threatens rare species, conservationists warn

"Campaigners say it is easier than ever before to buy and sell anything from live baby lions to polar bear pelts on online auction sites and chatrooms."

Category: Communications


Annan and humanitarians have woken up to climate crisis - so let's stop talking about the polar bear

"The aid community has taken a while to work out the impact of climate change on the most vulnerable, but better late than never"

Category: Climate Change


Large Hadron Collider smashes energy record again

"On Friday morning, the machine created two beams of protons, each with an energy of 3.5 trillion electron volts."

Category: Big Science


Cyclists are not road tax dodgers

"A new campaign aims to dispel the myth that cyclists have no rights on the road by reminding drivers of the non-existence of road tax"

Category: Transport


Canadian government 'hiding truth about climate change', report claims

"Canada's climate researchers are being muzzled, their funding slashed, research stations closed, findings ignored and advice on the critical issue of the century unsought by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government, according...

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 731 to 735 out of 2977